[po]: /skɪn/noun

A collaboration between culture and skincare.


Launched in 2023, the French word PEAU means “skin” and is a representation of everything we believe in, protecting our skin as well as our planet. Deep research has gone into every product we release. We strive to get to a place where we globally support all different skin types on all continents and their communities. 

We believe in supporting small communities and preserving traditional techniques and practices, so all of our ingredients are sourced from sustainable and ethical suppliers. From the fertile lands of Africa to the lush forests of South America, our ingredients are carefully selected to provide the best natural skincare experience.

PEAU’s devotion to natural beauty is infused with the power to promote health in all its natural form and empower those of any age, sex and complexion to have confidence in their skin. By joining our journey, you will have confidence in us to fulfil this. 

Skincare is meant to be simple…



Hi there, welcome to our website! My origins are Moroccan, and my family are from Casablanca (33.5731° N, 7.5898° W). I was born and raised in North West London. I’ve been a professional photographer for a little over 5 years now, and i absolutely love it. All the amazing images you see on this website are a reflection of that passion.

My love for learning and exploring different cultures and my own personal struggles with having hairy and extremely sensitive skin inspired me to start this company. I threw away my 10 step skincare routine and opted for a simpler, more natural approach. I want to help others achieve healthy and naturally beautiful skin in a gentle and earthy way.


I have deep roots in Ghana, specifically in the region of Kumasi (6.6666° N, 1.6163° W). Currently, I work as a Site Reliability Engineer. My interests include sports, music, food, and anything related to being a full-time nerd.

I started PEAU with the aim of promoting cultural diversity and helping people embrace their unique skin. During my teenage years, I struggled with prominent hyperpigmentation, and I used many chemically modified products to achieve clear, smooth skin. However, I eventually turned to the nourishing ingredients that the motherland had to offer, and now I feel more confident and powerful in my skin.